Screen Goddess Barbara
the past 22 years I have worked within the ICT Industry. Apart from being
constantly at the leading edge of technology I have had the opportunity
to travel extensively overseas. It has been an incredible journey and
as the Chinese saying goes "The Journey is the Reward". Coming into the
Industry in 1984 when the first Desktop Computers became available enabled
me to be part of an era that delivered technology which had never been
imagined by the majority of people. Even today the ICT Industry is vibrant
and does not allow for complacency or boredom. Things I love about what
I do relate to the challenge of delivering solutions that enable business
and organisations to work smarter so they can be profitable in a competitive
worldwide market.
I am the type of person who volunteers for everything. Occasionally I need to give myself a reality check on how many hours there are in a day. It is a necessity of life that some of the essentials like eating and sleeping happen on a regular basis.
My passion is travel and I have visions of one day grabbing a back pack and wandering around the world for a couple of years enjoying the cultures and landscape that are unique to each country.
To keep fit I attend gym and enter the 10km fun runs. I enjoy the freedom of running and being able to spend time with my own thoughts without the interruption of telephones, email or SMS. From a cultural side I love the theatre and attend classical music concerts. My youngest daughter is a Professional Musician who plays the Cello. I am one of the groupies that turn up at all her performances. I am not an avid TV viewer and spend my spare reading anything and everything.
I am President of Women in Technology and involved in their Mentoring and Board Readiness Programs and a Judge of the Scholarship Awards. WIT currently has 650 members and our charter is "To create a sustainable network of members focused on the advancement of women in technology industries"
I am a member of the Smart Women-Smart State SET Taskforce whose goal is to increase the number of women working in the science, engineering and technology industries. The Taskforce will guide the Queensland Government's Smart Women-Smart State Strategy and make recommendations to the Minister for women.
I represent WIT on the IT Industry Workgroup which is working with the Queensland Government to develop strategies to develop further the local ICT Industry.
I participated in Premier Beattie's National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Skills Summit
I am also a Board Member of AWISE
Other organisations with which I am involved are:
- Member of Australian Institute of Management (FAIM)
- Member of Rotary
- I am on the Board of the Queensland Youth Orchestra (Vice President)
To participate in The Goddess Calendar was a wonderful opportunity to show that our Industry has very funky, fun loving females who have amazing stories to tell about their profession.