Screen Goddess
IT Calendar

Website Production

This IT Screen Goddess website was formulated, designed and developed by a group of female web specialists running their own businesses across Australia.

The identification of purpose, web project scope, information architecture, content identification and marketing messages were devised and produced by Megyn Carpenter of Front to Back Web Coaching in Western Australia.

The visual design was created by Jane Long of Mirage Design in Queensland with input from Retta of Encompass Presentations, South Australia. Jane was the web designer creating all HTML and populating web pages.

Development of the website including the payment gateway and ordering system was by Kay Smoljak of Clever Starfish in Western Australia with input by Robin of Thoughtware, Queensland.

The goals of the website identified by the brains behind the calendar, Sonja Bernhardt:
- to be the main information source for the calendar and women in I.T. information for a variety of market segments, interest groups and media
- to be the source of calendar sales encouraging purchases with an easy to use ordering system.

A truly national, online collaboration of web experts achieving great results and meeting the goals of the website.